India: Part 3 - Death by food, in a good way

P1000683India has been wonderful. Henna night was fun for Heather. Henna night is a celebration on the bride’s side where the bride get’s a Henna tattoo (not really a tattoo, its a dye that colors the skin that lasts 2-3 days) on the hands and feet. The other women also get smaller Henna on the hands. Heather got one too. The one on the bride is so elaborate, it’s insane. I felt sorry for the bride (I’ll just call her MD from now on), because it took so long.

After Henna night we all went to a party that was for the bride’s family and friends. MD’s family is just great. All of them from sisters, and aunts and uncles, and parents took the time to explain the significance of everything. The staff kept bringing plate after plate of food. By 10:00pm we were stuffed. Then it was time for dinner. I said, “what? seriously? I thought that was dinner.” The uncles laughed, and said, it’s just getting started. There was more food and drink. They had scotch, and just like food, they kept it coming.

The next day.. We P1000699decided to get some mo re cash. So we get directions, and leave in the torrential rain. All I can say is that a lot of the buildings look the same. We walk in the rain, through flooding streets, and obviously the directions are wrong, or we took a wrong turn. That’s right we’re lost. We keep walking and eventually find a bank. The problem is that some banks aren’t connected to the same networks as American banks, so it declined. We see those auto rickshaws driving by us, and decide.. Dammit, let’s get one.

We tell the guy we’re looking for Citibank (we saw it on the way in P1000700from the airport), he nods, waves us in and starts driving. Then he asks us where it is. At least that’s what I think he’s asking. He  doesn’t speak English. He starts driving by other auto rickshaw drivers and pedestrians asking if they know how to get to Citibank. We find someone who points in the general direction and we’re off.

Mumbai is so different. One street is glitzy, while another is a slum. We even saw some cows walking in the slum area that we droveP1000635 through. Unfortunately, we weren’t quick enough with the camera. After the grand tour of Mumbai, we get to Citibank and get our money. I hop back in to the auto rickshaw, and tell the driver that we now want to go back. He has no clue what I’m saying. I ran back into Citibank and found a guard that spoke English. Got him to tell the driver where we were going, and we’re off!

P1000722The rickshaw was a load of fun, and felt like something out of a movie. That whole experience was so surreal. So for this I’ll actually post our own pictures instead of stock photos :) 


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