Oh my god, you’re from America?!?!

Not sure how I forgot to mention this. When we went to Cardiff in Wales, Mardi Gras was going on. We walked around Cardiff castle before going in to check out the sites. There were all sorts of people there dressed up.  This girl and a bunch of her friends approached us (at first I thought it was going to be a coordinated pickpocket) to ask if Heather had a spare hair clip. When Heather answered, no sorry…

“Oh my god, you’re from America?!?!”

They went on to tell us how they loved American accents, and had Heather say all their names. It was surreal, but reminded us of a scene in Love Actually, where the American girls made the British men say a bunch of stuff because they loved the accent.

They invited us to hang out with them at Mardi Gras, but we were off to see the castle. Plus it would have been odd to hang out with a bunch of 18 year olds drinking.


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